Global Teaching Lab

“Global Teaching Lab” con le studentesse del M.I.T. di Boston: Debate, Fisica e Scienze Naturali, metodologie innovative attive e trasformative in azione!






Partecipazione attiva ed entusiasta e feedback decisamente positivi a conclusione delle attività del Progetto “Global Teaching Lab” del M.I.T. di Boston.

Il Progetto G.T.L. Global Teaching Lab del Massachusetts Institute of Technology di Boston, nella sua fase attuativa, ha portato da lunedì 09.01.2023 a venerdì 27.01.2023 nel nostro Liceo due studentesse del M.I.T. di Boston, Diana Degnan e Alia Kassim, che hanno messo in pratica alcune attività con metodologie attive e ‘trasformative’ come Debate e ‘Hands-on-approach.

Diana e Alia hanno svolto due distinti percorsi laboratoriali in lingua inglese veicolare: Diana ha proposto un percorso incentrato su contenuti e temi della contemporaneità con l’utilizzo della metodologia Debate per promuovere in maniera attiva ed efficace lo sviluppo del pensiero critico-analitico e la oracy nelle studentesse e studenti coinvolte/i; Alia ha svolto in maniera pratica e coinvolgente, decisamente  attiva e ‘trasformativa’, due distinti percorsi laboratoriali con un approccio Hands-on: uno su contenuti e problemi di Scienze Naturali riferibili  ai cambiamenti climatici  e uno rivolto ad applicare le leggi dell’ elettrologia.

L’organizzazione del lavoro è stata facilitata dalla disponibilità di docenti e personale che hanno accolto e ospitato le due ragazze e messo a disposizione le proprie ore per rendere possibile la complessa calendarizzazione del progetto. 

Il Percorso Speech and Debate con Diana Degnan ha toccato temi e problemi importanti della contemporaneità, proponendo a studentesse e studenti attività di ricerca e approfondimento delle proprie conoscenze relative a problematiche come “Hate speech” - con approfondimenti in merito alle caratteristiche degli ‘Haters’  e proposte di soluzione al problema, con una discussione argomentata sulla opportunità o meno di cancellare gli hate speech dai Social Media‘Migrations’ – con l’interessante mozione di discussione argomentata “should countries allow or restrict immigration?”; “Voting”, con una discussione argomentata su “lowering the voting age to 16 years old”.

Il percorso di Fisica e Scienze Naturali con Alia ha reso ancora più evidente come un approccio di tipo laboratoriale alle discipline scientifiche crei negli/nelle studenti/esse entusiasmo e interesse, avvicinandoli a materie talvolta temute, ma sempre più importanti nel nostro mondo complesso.

Un ringraziamento a Diana e Alia, alla Dirigente Scolastica, prof.ssa Gabriella Zanocco, alle docenti che hanno accolto le due studentesse nelle proprie famiglie, a  tutte le docenti e i docenti, alle ragazze e ai ragazzi che hanno partecipato attivamente al progetto, e al DSGA del Liceo ‘Percoto’, dott. De Angelis, per la collaborazione concreta e fattiva e il serio supporto professionale.

“The M.I.T. Global Teaching Laboratory was a surprisingly formative experience, it gave us the precious chance to learn some biology thanks to a young American student. Basically, it allowed us to practise English,one of the languages that we’re studying at school, and try to have a completely new approach to biology, a very fascinating subject that is the basis of the life of living beings. 

The activities and more specifically the experiments that Alia (the American student) proposed to us were really engaging, we learned definitely a lot about photosynthesis having fun and doing something we have never done before. For instance, I appreciated more that anything else the experiment in which we observed the reaction that lead to the formation of copper hydroxide. I felt really fascinated when, thanks to the oxidation, the colors of the compounds mixed together changed, it seemed almost a magic!

To conclude, I would also recommend this activity to all the future classes to allow them to have a more experiential approach to biology. I believe that this experience  represents an excellent interdisciplinary alternative to learning with books.” -  Sabrina D.C. 5AL

“I was extremely excited about the MIT Global Teaching Lab, and having reached the end of the project, I can say that it did not disappoint! Not only was this project the perfect opportunity to gain more information on chemistry and biology, but it was also a great way to test my English skills. I absolutely enjoyed Alia’s method of expression and teaching. I think that it was quite effective because, being only a couple years older than us, she explained concepts like she would to any person her age, in a straightforward and easy way. 

I appreciated the fact that experiments played a huge role in this project. The one that I found the most interesting was definitely the photosynthesis of the spinach. It was truly incredible to observe in a much smaller environment what happens every day to plants! I was also able to better understand what we have been studying in science class! 

I totally recommend this project to future classes, as it allows you to discover new learning methods, definitively improves your English vocabulary, and allows you to meet a foreign student who can talk about many different experiences.” Martina B. 5AL

It is evident: chemistry is a subject that requires not only a thorough study but also a practical approach in order to be truly appreciated. It is impossible to fully grasp the actual importance of chemical processes and reactions in everyday life without making a visible, concrete experience of this fascinating micro-world.

Sure enough, the MIT Global Teaching Lab project allowed me and my classmates to dig deeper into this field, particularly focusing on the topic of photosynthesis by performing different experiments: the one I appreciated the most was the one concerning acids and bases, since I found the color changes of the alcoholic solutions both fascinating from a scientific point of view and aesthetically pleasing. 

Briefly, this project gave us the opportunity to work in groups, as well as to expand our knowledge in an alternative way: in addition to that, Alia involved us in this activity with her enthusiasm and passion, which contributed to make the atmosphere even more stimulating. For these reasons, this project should definitely be proposed again next year!” - Benedetta M. 5AL

Earlier this month we participated in a course named “MIT Debate” and we had several debates regarding various social issues and topics, from immigration to public speaking. 

The experience was hosted by our school and organized by Diana Degnan, an American university student from M.I.T. - Boston, the biggest city of Massachusetts. She currently studies political sciences and economics. 

In the first debate, we discussed the positive and negative effects of general immigration. Students described the experiences and backgrounds of their own families, and then the class divided in two teams, one argued for an open immigration policy, and the other one argued against increased immigration, and advocated for tackling illegal immigration. 

During the debate, fruitful conversations and proposals were elaborated on both sides. 

I personally believe that this debate helped me to gain more knowledge about multiple aspects of immigration in general that previously I didn’t know. This debate also proved to be a useful tool for our future studies and to develop our debate and argument skills.” - Michele L.M.

This was my first time doing a debate, I have to say that I was a little bit worried about saying or doing something wrong, but at the end it was pretty easy for me and my team thanks to Diana: she made us feel comfortable and she was really really really patient with us.

I’ve learnt more about immigration, how to do a convincing speech and I learnt that I can do everything if I let my anxiety go.

She helped me a lot, not so much for the vocabulary neither the accent, but she talked fluently and that helped my aching soul.

For the first time after summer I kinda felt home!” - Giulia Sara S.

“I’m really happy for these lessons with you, Diana, specially for the themes that you proposed. I want to thank you to allow me to speak with you and for the program already made. 

I really enjoyed talking with you and telling my immigration story and the other ideas proposed.

 These lessons were very important because they unlocked my ability to speak in front of everyone and stop being shy.” - Clorinda 

In my opinion the debate course was a great opportunity for everyone to improve their English.

It also helped my listening skills and made me more aware of how much I'm capable of talking with a native speaker.

I really enjoyed this opportunity and I can't wait to have this kind of experience again.” - Emma

First of all I found Diana very warmhearted and helpful, it was really nice to work with her. I really appreciated the fact that it was so inclusive because, despite my anxiety in the exposure, it never judged me and waited for me to end my speech always with a smile.

The lessons were very interesting, it was very nice to have a debate on the topics proposed by Diana despite the outcome of the debate. 

It was a good experience, I would do it again.” - Sara M.

Alla prossima avventura con M.I.T. Global Teaching Lab al Liceo ‘Percoto’!


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Il Progetto G.T.L. Global Teaching Lab del Massachusetts Institute of Technology di Boston, nella sua fase attuativa, ha portato da lunedì 09.01.2023 a venerdì 27.01.2023 nel nostro Liceo due studentesse del M.I.T. di Boston, Diana Degnan e Alia Kassim, che hanno messo in pratica alcune attività con metodologie attive e ‘trasformative’ come Debate e ‘Hands-on-approach’.


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